What does it mean to speak of pain in a context like Mexico? Why should we do it and what can result from it? Can the sharing of pain be understood as a form of resistance? The Cancer Journals (1980) by Audre Lorde served as a starting point to address these questions. The book, that can be described as a personal logbook that includes experiences and reflections that the writer produced between 1978 and 1980, while she was struggling with breast cancer, also represents an effort to visibilize and confront the complexity of the many aspects that come to play in an illness. Thus, it is possible to consider that her contribution is not limited to the issue of breast cancer, but rather that it is a catalyst that leads her to speak of and articulate the implications of the female body considered as a battlefield, and to consider language and verbalization as vehicles for the transformation of reality or, as Lorde often put it, to forge that which does not yet exist, but could be possible.

Fragilidad por Magali Lara
16 páginas
12 serigrafías
Tiraje de 200 ejemplares
10 pruebas de artista
10 pruebas de taller
Firmados y numerados por la artista
Marzo 1992
Impresas por Pablo Torreblanca
Sobre papel curtis flannel de 120 gr.
Descargar aquí

Pola Weiss
Mi Corazón
Video 3/4 transferido a MP4

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(click sobre la imagen para consultar en biblioteca)