Gissel Rascón: with the body present

Friday, 07 February 2014 12:12 Written by Carlos Sánchez


We crawl through childhood and cling to life, like a flea to skin.
We seem to live out fairy tales as a form of salvation in these fateful days into which we have been plunged.
Gissel draws on many techniques to weave together her work, as a result of her mother’s influence during afternoons spent spinning out time in her living room or bedroom.


In the simple, even texture of a piece of paper, in the subtlety of an implied story, Rascón has a truly visceral effect, suggesting that digging deep to touch the viewer can be harmful. Her sobriety overcomes me, and my vision is numbed in a choked sob. Her precise strokes trace a line of pleasure through my breast.


Art involves a greater commitment when it comprises that undeniable, inevitable conviction and pleasure. Telling these lives from a gender perspective, avoiding inflammatory rhetoric or discourses, this proposal seeks to address this historical injustice incurred by men with heartless cruelty. The painter constructs and reveals, leaving the viewer to reach a conclusion.


Gazing at Gissel’s work produces an intense feeling of gratitude. As one is immersed in the dialogues of her work’s obsessive stories, it becomes clear that vocation is a mystery that, if discovered, is the key to happiness. Gissel is happy and transmits her fondness for her profession to me.

Read 3054 times Last modified on Friday, 07 February 2014 12:38