
Monday, 03 March 2014 11:17 Written by Rosa Borrás

Collecting things is a natural, irresistible habit. Since I was a little girl, I have collected objects, gestures and moments. Frozen time, preserved memories, the emotion contained in a secret, the passage of time, permanent change, surprise, all this led me to keep and collect.

The series  I am currently exhibiting is a collection of the remains of everyday life, of our passing through the world, a portrait of what we are, eat and wear. It is a diary of my family and our achievements in a material environment repeated daily, yet always different.

Beyond the gender discourse and the roles established within the family structure, my work studies the aesthetic dimension and the pleasure of inevitable commonplace actions, enjoyment from routine. The everyday is viewed as an escape.

Since 2007, I have amassed the material produced by wearing clothes, turned to paper in the washing machine, rolls of fluff in the dryer filter, the teabags from the infusions we drink in the afternoons, garlic stalks from my kitchen, and occasionally display them in galleries or to my friends.

Read 3014 times Last modified on Monday, 03 March 2014 11:23