Body / Forest

Monday, 10 March 2014 12:59 Written by Humberto Chávez

Note on the exhibition Canals by Marcela Díaz  Humberto Chávez. Mérida 2009.

I As though the artist opened up the inside (outside) of a body (forest), in which various conducts evoke, through their texture, the history of an experience. As though the life canals could record human experiences in their fabric and folds.

II Marcela Díaz depicts an inner landscape in which the outward appearance of each element, each trunk-column-canal, carries the memory of an artisanal process, a community custom, an economic power.

III This landscape (inner forest) indicates not only the even repetition of form (a characteristic of tradition) but also the difference of matter (the outer body transformed), from agave, a natural fiber, to copolyester, a product derived from petrol. The canals are therefore lines that link the present past and the transforming but evocative present.

IV The author also offers viewers a displacement strategy in which distance represents the dimensional integration of time (the history of a town) and proximity depicts an encounter with stitched shape, with a minimal, intimate, personal outline (the history of a person), the signature of a talent, a creative will…

It configures, constructs, gives form to the figure that presents and represents memory, but also extends the plot that perverts history.
Read 2943 times Last modified on Monday, 10 March 2014 13:01