The silent revelation

Friday, 04 April 2014 13:44 Written by Guillermo Tejeda

Despite her firm personal identity, and her strength and sweetness, Klaudia Kemper borders with Gustav Klimt in the north, the human body in the south, the earth in the east and mystery in the west.

From Klimt she has inherited, whether consciously or unconsciously, the great tradition of fin de siècle ornamental painting that drew greatly from Asian and African cultures. Stretching artfully over broad surfaces, each figure acquires the value of a symbol or of shivering calligraphy.

The body is the beginning and the end of Kemper’s world of color, and the tenderly erotic body, almost always solitary, yet never far from other human beings.

The setting is the earth, our simple mother to whom we will return one day, beyond the uproar of cities and multicolored plastic. There is an almost religious invocation of fundamental things: animal life, lighting, trees, animals, traces, the sky. The paintings have a soothing effect that appeals to our earthly substance.

But it is above all the mystery, the silent revelation, which springs from our contact with Kemper's art, differently to words. It is a world far removed from the news and the lines and figures of these canvasses have a soft, majestic presence, an eloquent reminder that we will always remain human beings.
Read 2900 times Last modified on Friday, 04 April 2014 13:45