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The Healings Room

Tuesday, 18 June 2019 18:14 Written by Claudia López Terroso

A hallway leads to the patio and at the back of this is the healing room. The light that enters through the window does not illuminate the entire room but there are flashes of the candles always lit; On one side, on the right, there is a small wooden closet that protects magic powders, herbs, sanalotodo (Heal everything) , seeds, pistils and dried flowers. The right wall holds a shelf full of lotions and candles. In the center of the room close to the main wall, there is a large table covered with a white tablecloth that holds Sta. Rita de Casia. Nearby the table there are candles and portraits of my grandparents orbiting around the room … Right at the center of the table an old wooden Christ faces the entrance of the room and right in front of this there is a large glass of water. There are saints in every corner of the room protecting from very angle: Saint Simon is in a black suit who smokes cigarettes and cigars and it is offered for pediments; Saint Cipriano, one of the Most Powerful, takes care of the left corner, he does not let darkness enter. The two main corners are protected by amulets loaded inside by different materials: metal, wood, cloth, wax, coins and secrets. In the center of the room there is a large wooden chair, inside of this there is no metal, it was built with wooden nails, as it was asked by the same spirits that came into the body of my grandmother and my mother, as they both were mediums. Integrated to this atmosphere are odors, lotions, ointments, fresh herbs, eggs, chickens, parakeets, carrots, pigeons, monkeys ... There are also voices, moans, echoes, resonances, powerful belches, cries and groans from other times, agitated wails and silent.

My mother and grandmother were healers in the region of the Istmo of Tehuantepec. My sisters and I grew up among the world of cures, cleans and healings. My mother left us the knowledge, the experiences and a notebook full of potions and spells. The notebook contained secrets and for two years I started a dialogue with her through her notes: I drew phrases and resonances, sonorities and echoes of her words and spells. I discovered a powerful beauty in writing and since then I continue with the research of drawn words and the world of healing.

Estén tus ojos abertos

Exposición en MACO

Curaduría carmen Cebreros Urzaiz 

Drawing: graphite and ink on cotton paper 111 drawings of 33x22 cm

Ongoing project.

Read 1299 times Last modified on Friday, 21 June 2019 18:20