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When you left

Friday, 19 February 2021 13:55 Written by Valeria Caballero

It is an intimate exploration of a time between parentheses. There, in the silence, where the gaze is restarted and the glimpse of its limits and its tracks begins: shadow, reflection, horizon. Visual narrative that investigates the resonances between the affective dimension and the environment. A look that focuses on the void and on the emotional relationships that are generated between the thickness of the body and the environments it transits; a journey after the loss.

This project starts with photography, it works through an application programmed exclusively for mobile devices on an Instagram profile, with a series of preloaded images along with some quotes from different authors. The images (still and moving) have been taken, almost entirely, with Iphone 7s mobile devices in different places from continental America, the Caribbean and Europe between 2019 and 2020. This first stage is made up of 69 images, 4 short texts and quotes from different authors. The project was advised in editing by photojournalist Héctor Guerrero and in curatorship by Dra. Zaira Espíritu.

See Full Portoflio

Valeria Caballero Aguilar. Querétaro, 1986.

Her production stands between curatorship and photography. She has designed, coordinated and produced various programs and projects with a creative, community-based approach, whose methodologies are developed through multidisciplinary artistic practices in specific communities, their dynamics and their context. From 2013 to 2019 she was part of the team of the photographer Eniac Martínez, where she carried out different types of assignments as well as curatorial and editorial advice on the Rivers and Garbage projects. From 2015 to 2018 she was curator of the Cultural Residence of Casa Vecina. In 2018 she co-founded the Aguazal Productions confluence. She has been awarded various scholarships, like young creators by FONCA (2010) and PECDA (2009 and 2018).

During 2019 she developed the project multi_contact creation and functional diversity in the shoes of other bodies with this grant. In 2020, together with Helena Braunštajn, she made the text Production of public and community space in the context of critical affectations. A collaborative exercise that received an honorable mention in UNAM’s Artistic Looks on the Pandemic contest. She is currently developing the photographic project When you left and the curatorship of the exhibition Cartographies of the epithelium by visual artist Edgar Luna.

Read 1021 times Last modified on Friday, 19 February 2021 13:56