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Inner Garden

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 00:00 Written by Ana Thiel
Inner Garden

2014 "Inner Garden", Bellas Artes - Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez "El Nigromante", INBA, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, MEXICO
2016 “Inner Garden”, Museo de la Cancillería, Ciudad de México, MEXICO

One has to prepare oneself to enter the exhibition "Inner Garden". Leave the regular hectic life outside and arrive into a world of light, glass and water. Open all senses, walk a path formed by windshields. where each step awakens the voice of glass: a crunching sound, like ice. Clusters of stones with glass - molten glass, broken glass -form the landscape.
Light shines through the glass, revealing layers and depths.

Towards the far end lie shallow pools of water with floating mirrors that reflect light nto the wall. Playful reflections.

Three round benches with embedded, lit cast glass stones invite the viewer to rest. To contemplate.

Ana Thiel creates something beautiful and at the same time dangerous. Perhaps to share that something that is broken, cutting and sharp can also be disconcertingly beautiful?
Maybe to make evident how fragile we really can be?

We traverse dark times, dangerous times, yet light is ever present to guide us on the path we tread. We still have to walk with care. Aware.

And the beauty ...
Read 157 times Last modified on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 00:08