Exhibition catalog 'Energetic Field'

The title of her show, energetic field refers to the creative energy that reflects her self inquiry and reflection. Susana Serra opens an exhibit of recent works at the juan martin gallery, dickens 33b, polanco, next saturday march 1st from 12-3pm. The title of her show, energetic field refers to the creative energy that reflects her self inquiry and reflection.
The poet Elsa Cross in her essay on the exhibit says: “The impulse of the creative energy is the same whether it produces a galaxy, a painting or a symphony” and goes on to say “I find that the series of the energetic field is profoundly musical. There are varied visual rythms, intervals of silence and resounding swarms, rings that create harmonies and dissonances, acompanied by the leit motif of that mysterious writing, like the alphabet of creation"