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Down the Middle

Martes, 17 Diciembre 2013 12:57 Escrito por Roxana Allison

Having dual nationality may affect the way we perceive ourselves, especially if wehave been forced to leave the place where we were born and spent our earlyyears. Therefore, a loss of that feeling of belonging can be the result. Youdon’t completely belong to the country you migrated to but you don’t know ifyou still belong to the one you where born in either, especially if you spent along time away from it, feeling like a stranger in both countries.Down theMiddle is a project – started in 2008 in Mexico City - that explores my life asan Anglo-Mexican and my ambiguous feelings towards this, capturing the placesand streets I have inhabited in England and Mexico in order to help me retraceand rediscover my roots.
Visto 22783 veces Modificado por última vez en Miércoles, 15 Enero 2014 11:04